I'm a Programmer

    All 'challenges' are nor welcomed by me. They always require my courage for giving myself to the air and fight such inconvenience and fearful conditions. I think this is one of the most important mindset that university students must have. We are learning what to face and how to professional skills and growing up as a person that the society requires.
    All programmers of seven tell us about their own story in this book, <I'm a programmer>. When it comes to depicting a job 'programmer', usually People think about 'web programmer' or 'game programmer' only. This book might break the mold of stereotyped image of programmer.
    'Embedded Programmer', 'Data Architecture'. 'worker for SI corporate or Computer Room', etc there are vast field in programming world. They also have various experiences in part of becoming a programmer. They frankly talk about their start which was full of joy and sorrow with work. If you are a green hand in society, you can learn a path to be a programmer. But if you are a programmer or else already, you can feel some sympathy; I bet you would call out "Aha!"
    Some of my friends majoring in Computer are only study about how to program. They think all they have to do is just to get 'coding skill'. But many elder Programmers, including many professors in computer field, tell us, "Developer should not only learn computer, but also learn any refinement." Writers of this book think so, too, They advise that a good programmer has much spirit based on lots of social experiences, Good programmer is not a couch potato. Encouraged by this advice, I am driven by the desire to endeavor, and a nameless longing of achievement.
    Programming is such an endless job. Nobody and not deny that IT Environment is changing in a blink. it always comes on. Settle in the present world be like making up your mind to superannuate. This state chained all programmers to fear. programmer is famous for 3D: it is dirty, difficult job in the world. The book advices you to get over difficulty by your own spirit of professionalism. Without your pride, nothing can be done.


By  Yoo Jae-seong , Senior
Dept. of Economics

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