Love Actually

    Love Actually is a love story set in Christmas. The film is in an omnibus format. There are many couples who fall in love and many kinds of love. Love which transcends social status begins to grow between a new premier and his secretary Natalie. An England novelist and his housekeeper who is not good at English also fall in love. Although they can't communicate will, they do know that they love each other only through their eyes. One stepfather helps his son to confess his love. Sara gives up her love for her brother suffering from a menial disease.One man who loves his friend's wife keeps his mind secretly. Like this, Love Actually is all about various kinds of love.  
    The most impressive scene is that one man confesses his mind using sheets of paper. He says "I know that there aren't hopes or agendas, but today is Christmas!" I think this movie is not a just love story. Love is all around us. This movie says there is a love everywhere and we can find it easily. I want to recommend this film to people who have attempted lo commit a suicide. It's so easy to think that you are alone, but it isn't. Somewhere, someone around you might love you! 


By   Jeong Ji-eun , Freshman
Dept. of English Language & Literature

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