This is the heyday of single-person media. This "one person-centered media," which can be easily accessed anytime, anywhere, and viewed according to taste, has firmly established itself as a popular hobby. Single-person media, considered a new social phenomenon, has attracted countless people with fresh content, and various discussions surrounding it are actively being had.

Single-person media is a communication platform that empowers individuals to create and directly share a wide range of content. With the prevalence of platforms such as YouTube and Instagram, people can now produce their own content using smartphones. This has given rise to single-person media which features exclusive content, diverging from traditional mass media. Representative examples of professions within the realm of single-person media include 'YouTubers' and 'streamers.' These content creators produce videos across various platforms, so it is becoming increasingly common for people to hold both of these roles simultaneously.

While YouTuber is a well-known term, streamer may is less common. A streamer refers to an individual who broadcasts content on the Internet, often known as an Internet broadcaster, online streamer, or live streamer. YouTubers and streamers from all over the world engage in a wide array of activities across various fields. These include video games, eating shows, humor, life, product reviews, beauty, sports, and educational content.

Why has single-person media become so popular in modern society? The biggest reasons behind its rise are the ease of access and the diversity of content it offers. Terrestrial broadcasts rely on significant manpower and thorough planning, whereas single-person media involves live broadcasts driven by individual creativity. Furthermore, "two-way communication" in single-person media occurs in real-time through features like chat and comments, allowing viewers to feel like active participants and enhancing their overall enjoyment. Single-person media also provides viewers with a sense of comfort, as creators can follow their preferred directions without significant constraints.

In the early stages of single-person media, the content primarily centered around stimulating and sensational material. This is because it catered to a niche audience, in contrast to the broader, diverse viewership today. However, it has now become common to produce content that appeals to many people in consideration of the current cultural landscape. Nevertheless, there remain clear distinctions between what can be called 'bright parts' and 'dark parts.' One of the biggest reasons for the popularity of Internet broadcasting is ‘proxy satisfaction.’ This phenomenon occurs when viewers, who may be unable to experience certain things in real life, seek to fulfill their desires vicariously through single-person media.

A major focus of single-person media is gaming content. This is because the rise of single-person media on the Internet is intertwined with individuals who possess strong Internet skills, often associated with gaming. ‘Major’ single-person media, both internationally and domestically, initially centered around gaming. However, over time, content beyond gaming, such as engaging in conversations with viewers, mukbangs, sports coverage, etc., started being produced, with content creators developing an ‘Internet persona.’

In the 'Minor' category of single-person media, the primary content is sensational and stimulating. While the content may not differ significantly from the ‘Major’ category, creators in this category often use explicit language and wear provocative clothing to attract viewers. In addition, the phenomenon of people in unconventional or non-traditional professions turning to single-person media to make easy money continues to grow.

In the end, the biggest difference between 'Major' and 'Minor' content creators is how positively they can demonstrate their individuality.

Single-person media is no longer just a passing trend. Its development now hinges on the establishment of clear legal regulations and the provision of professional treatment for those involved in broadcasting. With such safeguards in place, single-person media can be broadcast in a manner bringing happiness and comfort to a wide audience.

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