'Is It Worth It?'

The curtain has just come down on 2020. Throughout the year, ‘Is it worth it?’ was my guiding principle, making me a better person.
On a delightful day waiting for an airplane at an airport in February, I saw two girls talking about their friend who was successful in his career. While I was listening carefully, thinking about how respectable he must be, I suddenly thought, "Of course he is." That became the driving force of my 2020 wish―becoming a person who is valuable in my field.
I have always tried to be a better person for myself since then—a proud, lovely daughter and friend to my parents, a loyal friend, a wise teacher at my academy, and a responsible, faithful leader at the Chungdae Post. This has helped make my decisions worth it, so my 2020 has been fruitful.
In addition, I hope that not only to me personally but also to all students that Chungnam National University (CNU) proves valuable. The obvious way to communicate with the university is through the student council. Thus, it is absolutely essential to pay continuous attention to and provide feedback to the student council, which represents students. Unfortunately, however, from November 25 to 27, CNU even had to go so far as to hold a second election due to the low voter turnout during the first election on November 11. Our Campus News deals with the gloomy facts. Finally, on November 27, 35 student autonomous bodies and student councils were elected following a turnout of just over half of voters. Of course, there may be various reasons for the low voter turnout such as the single candidacy and electioneering. But the point is not that you must simply vote yes. You can choose from three options: for, against, or abstention. Even abstaining is a way of expressing your mind. The more we participate, the more our university will try to move forward, and we can provide future students with a better environment to achieve their dreams. Students should never forget that they are a major part of CNU.
The Chungdae Post has experienced many changes due to the pandemic. As I am writing my last Editor’s Letter, I would like to take the time to thank the reporters who have always made their best efforts to communicate with students even during this unprecedented time. The priceless and treasured memories of my freshman and sophomore years as a reporter and my junior year as the Editor-in-Chief will never be forgotten. I am sure that the Chungdae Post is developing into a treasure that makes CNU ‘worth it!’


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