The relative grading system has much more merit.

Lee Moon young
Department of
Political Science and Diplomacy

   When I entered university in 2010, our major evaluated us through absolute evaluation. The next year, the evaluation standard changed, so we used relative evaluation. In freshman and sophomore, I didn’ care about credit because it was an absolute evaluation. This not only deteriorates the university’ education quality but also can’ foster the talented persons who are required in our society.
   Relative evaluation will relieve credit inflation. In 2009, 94.7 percent of students got over B+ grade. This means that average of student’ credit is almost 4 points credit. Relative evaluation solves the absolute evaluation’ credit inflation problem. Before we used absolute evaluation, the examination period was very short and preparing presentation time was simple. As a result, many students didn’ care about their major credit. This situation has proved insufficient for graduate school enrollment. They can’ imagine entering graduate school, if they don’ have enough knowledge about their major. Resulting from credit inflation, companies regard that credit is cut-off point. The credit lost the status as main indicator. Nowadays, many corporations take a test like SAAT for recruiting competent people. It is because original indicators can’ perform the proper functions like credit.
   Relative evaluation lies under various attacks, but the problem with absolute evaluation is magnified and relative evaluation implemented to solve this problem. It seems that relative evaluation overcomes defection of absolute evaluation very well. So I clarify my opinion about relative evaluation.

Competition in good faith is beneficial

Baek Seon young
Department of
Mechanical Engineering

   The Achievement relative evaluation is a very effective system. A competition system makes students study hard. I think, another good effect of relative evaluation is the clear standard to evaluate. Korea is familiar with numerical values and it works very strongly with employment. A university’ credit is very important to get a job. Companies judge employees’e sincerity with credit. If relative evaluation go out of use, the standard will be wrecked. To increase the university’ reputation, it will give higher credit to students, and order will collapse. Student with low grades in their exams will be overestimated. On the other hand, students with high grades on their exams will be underestimated.
   Middle schools in Korea abolished the relative evaluation for the purpose of pure study. But, adverse effects appeared. Credit has no work to evaluate. It results in more students having more private education. It makes students more tired.
   Then, good competition will encourage students to study, and takes a role of a benchmark, too. So, I agree with the Achievement Relative Evaluation System.

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