[EDITOR'S DESK] What the French Presidential Election Tells Us

2012-08-27     Lee Da-young

    The French Presidential election took place on May 6. Francois Hollande became the second socialist president after Francois Mitterande in French history. Some people say that the outcome is a strong backlash against nec-liberalism. others say the result is a good sign for the poor. It's worthwhile to ponder over some implications of this election. After all, we will have the presidential elections this December.
    In Korea, first of all, Presidential candidates need to plan and implement the social welfare system. Welfare is a part of our rights. They should be able to pledge specific policies if they want to receive supports from voters. Next, Presidential candidates need to focus on sustainable growth. The French election teaches us that "policy will prevailin the end." What we wane to see is nut empty rhetoric, bur a realizable agenda. Third, students should not throw away their votes. Voting is often likened to throwing paper stones. Your indifference is sin. Your active participation will change the course of Korea's future.
    Well, some underestimate Francois Hollande's winning as a storm in a teacup, others overestimate it as a fresh air blowing over the enervated European economy. We had better wait and see fur the time being. But one thing is clear. Voting on the basis of policies pledge by presidential candidates is vital.


By  Lee Da-young  Editor-in-chief