[ZOOM IN] Interview 2

2012-07-04     The Chungdae Post

    Q. Hi. Could you. introduce your club?
    A. Hello. I'm a Jo jae-min; a leader of <Jingumdari>. <Jingumdari> has the honor of holding 3rd place among Chungnam National University's excellence clubs.

    Q. What activites are <Jingumdari> involved in?
    A. We mainly help children who can't afford to hane a oruvate education. Our volunteers generall work in the regional children center. These volunteers work in conjuction with the Pyungsong Youth Training Center related with Daejoen. We work there times per week from 6 pm. 새 8 pm. of couse, we are always in scorch volunteers.

    Q. When did your club link with the region?
     A. I know that regional volunteers being before I join. However, Present work began in 2007. If developed from a "small study room" in Mokdong that was linked with Pyungsong Youth Training Center. It was followed by work in Peace Geriatrics hospital. We also worked in Yooseung regional Child Center and Noeun Regional Children Center. Now, we teach in Noeun Children Regional Center and activity promotion center.

    Q. Are there any special advantages to working in Dajeon?
    A. We have close relations with the centers' teachers. Addtionally, it is as a relief that we can go to our work place by bus, It takes fewer than 20minutes. You can kill two birds with one stone; study and provide social service at once.

    Q. How many workers are m your club?
    A. About 40 every year. The total membership will be about 400.

    Q. In what sense, is your club different from other clubs?
    A. Our club is deeply rooted in the region. This aspect differentiates us from other clubs. We always recruit new members when a new semester begins. When many freshmen inquire about our club, I think volunteer work has a large influence on them.