2018-05-15     The Chungdae Post


1. the group of people who are responsible for governing it

4. the number of babies born there for every 1000 people during a particular period of time

5. you have it, because you have obtained it or because it belongs to you

8. a style in which a small number of very simple things are used to create a particular effect

10. The money used in a particular country



2. The things which relate to a particular area of a country or of the world

3. the condition of being contented, healthy, or successful

4. pieces of paper money

6. If you get this to a school or university, your studies are paid for by the school or university or by some other organization.

7. international sports competitions which take place every four years, each time in a different country

9. people and things are pleasantly neat and clean in appearance

11. game played on ice, esp in Scotland and Canada, in which heavy stones with handles are slid towards a target