The Most Beautiful Word in the World

2017-12-21     Moon-hee Ha, CP Reporter

  Chungnam National University is running a beautiful word campaign. Through this campaign, it is hoped that students and other people associated with Chungnam National University will develop shared values. To achieve this, Chungnam National University has launched a campaign called “Presenting the Most Beautiful Word in the World.”
  People participating in this campaign can post on the school homepage pictures of Chungnam National University along with famous sayings of great people. Many people, including the dean, the vice dean, and the student presidents of each college, have participated in this campaign.

  As you know, Chungnam National University has consistently increased its value in many fields. The university offers various education programs while maintaining the highest level of national funding from various government-funded projects, for example, LINC Project, ACE Project, BK Project, University of Business Projects, Software Center Project, College of Business Development, College Business Enhancement Project, University Project Enhancement Project, and University of Korea, etc. Most of these are projects aimed at enhancing student skills and career competencies.

  “However, if these projects continue to focus only on physical and external matters, they will not be able to play a vital role in the long-term development of the school. Only if such material achievements are supported by school members’ mental growth, will the school be able to reach the fundamental goal of continued development. This is the reason why the campaign is so important. We will be able to achieve these goals through this campaign, and that is why everyone involved with Chungnam University should actively participate,” said Youngjoo Woo, the promoter of the campaign.