2017-06-19     by Mun-Hui Ha, CP Reporter

My other Hometown

  Atasheva Ayna is a Chungnam National University student who was born in Uzbekistan. She lived in Korea since she was 15 years old. She was interested in Korea, and when she first traveled to Korea, she decided to live here. She made many Korean friends and studies Korean by herself. Now she majors in English literature in Chungnam National University and is dreaming of being a teacher. Let’s hear about her story!


1. What made you stay in Korea?

  Atasheva Ayna:  I had a chance to travel to Korea when I was 15 years old. While I was in Korea, I found it very comfortable to live here so I decided to stay. I think that Korea is a second home to me because I spent my school days in Korea. As soon as I entered school, I began to study Korean because I wanted to make friends and communicate with other people. Fortunately, a lot of people helped me with my studies and other friends treated me kindly, so I was able to adapt to school fast. I think the biggest reason that made me stay here is because I feel that people here really care about me. 

2. Is There A Reason Why You Selected Chugnam National University?
  Atasheva Ayna: I was attracted by the passionate atmosphere of the students and that

encouraged me to choose Chungnam National University. When I was in high school, I came to the library of Chungnam University to study. Ever since I watched the students studying so hard, I also wanted to go to Chungnam University and study like those students

3. What Do You Think of Your Major?
  Atasheva Ayna: English was my favorite subject when I was in school. I had a lot of interest in English since my childhood. So, I am very satisfied with my major. It is great to study a subject that you like, no matter what it is. It gives me strength to hold on, keep going forward, and pursue my future dreams. The language itself is not the only reason I am satisfied with my major. I also like it because of my friends. Spending time together and taking classes with them is one of my favorite things. If my friends were not around me, I think I would not like my major this much.

4. What is Your Future Dream?

  Atasheva Ayna: I want to concentrate on my major for now, but after I graduate, I am planning to study more Korean and become an English teacher. The reason why I wish to be a teacher is because of my teacher in high school. She was like a mother because she always helped students, including my classmates, with a warm heart and she was always there for us. She tried to communicate with everyone and we could feel her passion and love towards us. I want to become a reliable and faithful teacher like her. I hope that my students will know that I care for them.


  We heard from Ayna through her stories about how she came to Korea and her future dreams. She said that her biggest strength is building relationships with other people. During the interview, a bright and positive energy filled the atmosphere. Ayna will keep on going forward to achieve her biggest goal. And all times she will go on with endless passion.