2015-09-03     The Chungdae Post


Agreement with the Right to be Forgotten”












   An Sangyong

   Senior, School of Business

  How to Respect Our Right

  In ancient Greece, the famous philosopher Aristoteles said that the human is a social animal. According to him, people want to be connected with their family, friends, and society members in order to be human. Of course, people want to be remembered as a nice and good person in their society. However, some people want to be forgotten because they want to be a good person. These days, people can find personal information including political stances, religion, or even the age and sex of a person by searching his or her name on some social network services like Facebook or Twitter. In Korean society, these factors are still significant in our country because people evaluate other people with that information. It is a public secret that companies search what applicants have written and uploaded on SNS. Additionally, some people want to know about their boyfriend or girlfriend through some pictures or other things posted on their SNS. After searching personal information, people start to judge or be blamed for diverseness. People have a right to choose political stances, religion, and social or personal preferences by themselves, and people should not be discriminated against based on their own choices. If people cannot remove or exchange their posted pictures after their ideas have changed, other people may judge them with meaningless information. What will happen if they should be evaluated by unrelated pictures when they are trying to find a job? I do not think it is fair. Recently, the European Court of Justice allowed Europeans to request public information about themselves to be deleted from search engine listings as a part of respecting the right to be being forgotten. Europeans know how to respect these rights, and I firmly believe that we should accept the new way to respect our own rights.












   Hwang Sangha

   Senior, Dept. of Political Science

  The right to be protected and the right to be forgotten

  Most of the opinions in opposition to the right to be forgotten is the problem of its effectiveness and its potential criminal abuse. These objections are convincing arguments that many people agree with, but this argument overlooks issues that are from too nationalistic a perspective rather than from individual positions. Furthermore, I believe that the right to be forgotten in a debate should focus on the individual level rather than the national level.

  I partly agree that the right to be forgotten is not to argue that they can be forgotten about concerning all the facts. My position is that some people can be forgotten from the public. We need to consider why the right to be forgotten has become the subject of discussion. The reason is that some people are suffering because of a haunting past. In some cases, there is not a lot that the person is actually at fault for. For example, there are cases such as sexual violence and bullying victims. They want to forget themselves in the past and are also reluctant about other people knowing humiliating facts about them. In this kind of case, I'm sure that most of people will support the right to be forgotten then right to know about the people. It is because many people see the damage due to rumors because it is a widely known fact.

  Meanwhile, our country has indeed been stingy in giving protection to the individuals legally. In the sentencing court, if the offender is not certain there was no way to find a way to get compensation for damage. Of course, the legislation about the right to be forgotten would not be a compensatory law. However, this law would be to the effect that it provides protection for victims.


   “Disagreement with the Right to be Forgotten”











   Hwang Gyeong-min

   Freshman, Department of Korean Language and Literature

  There is no practicality in legislating the right to be forgotten

  There is no one who doesn’t regret something about his/her past. Everyone might have some memories that they want to forget, especially on the internet in which his or her information is uploaded. However, there are some doubts about the practicality of legislating the right to ease personal information on SNS. First, to what extent should the right to ease the information be acknowledged by the people in legal terms? Some may want to delete compromising photos or comments. Others may want to remove some opinions they posted on their blog. Everyone has their own situation and it is natural that their situation should be treated differently. It is impossible to set the standards and range to get one’s legal approval in having his/her own information erased. Second, this enactment will give data controlling companies too much power. If the law is established to let people have the right to erase their own personal information, the data controlling companies will censor the information before posting it. Then the companies will censor the information by their own standards, and there is a considerable doubt about whether they can do it objectively. Finally, internet users may not have neutral search results, and instead get biased results when looking for information. Once the law about the right to erase personal information passes, anyone who is regretful for the action that he/she performed in the past will have the chance to clear his/her past. Then, nice, neat records and information of him/herself will be posted and will remain and people who search the internet are not going to get sufficient balanced information about the “real” world. It may be a good idea to legislate the right to erase the information to secure someone’s privacy, but most of all, it is important to look at the realities. There is no practicality in that idea.












   Nam Jisu

   Sophomore, Department of International Trade

   The law of the right to be forgotten should not be passed       

  I have the opinion that a law for the right to erase the information' should not be passed.  It is true that this right can get rid of information which seems to be incorrect or undesirable. Despite this merit, I have two reasons to support why it should not be passed: the high risk of being misused and the possibility for inefficiency. First, the information can be used for the wrong purposes. Who would not want to erase the poisonous comments about them in the world of the internet? If the petitioners were just victims, their image was damaged by incorrect information which is sailing on the sea of information. However, this would not have been controversial in the past. Then why is this right considered controversial? Most people who want this law to be passed would not be ordinary citizens, to my mind. I guess it would be the ones that committed a crime or have been implicated in a bribery case. If we pass this law it would be same as approving to conceal their crime records which have should been open and so that everyone can see those records. Second, erasing information in the SNS in the sea of information is quite useless and inefficient. Let's suppose that we passed this law, and someone may request to get rid of all those information, do you think that all the information could be deleted literally? Maybe it could, for first some moment, but as the time passes, we will find that the data is still remaining on the SNS. After all, it would be just waste of money and human resources. There is an adequate quote about this situation said by J.D.Lasica: "The net never forgets".

  I think that the law of the right to erase the information is useless due to the two main reasons that I mentioned above. The high probability of being misused by people who want to conceal their misdeeds and the inefficiency of erasing particular data in the sea of information.