
    <Thanatonaute>, the title of the book, is the combined word of the Greek 'thanatos' which means death and the 'nautes' which means navigator. I had a chance to think about death from another view. Many people think that after death, there is nothing, in other word, after-death does not exist. However, author Bernard Werber shows us very unique and creative world after death.
    It is the story of Michael Pinson who is the member of the spiritual exploration team who find that there is the real world after death divided into some parts. Whereas contents about after-death have been only too religious, in this novel, it is rather scientific.
    This story is connected with Bernard Werber's other novels, <The Empire of the Angels> and <Gods>. So, those who want to read the Bernard Werber's novels, <Thanatonaute> is worth to read.


By  Seo Seong-min , freshman
Dept. of Biological Science

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