CNU Kimchi gets some Credit: Interview with a German Friend

CNU has a lot of international students who are active and eager to speak to Korean students. However, the CNU reporter was curious if it would still be the same on interviewing a German friend about the World Cup results. She headed off to the place in the campus where it was said to be the most concentrated place of polylinguals in CNU. There she met a German student by the name of ‘Hoegaarden’.

Q1. Did you have any interesting stories while enrolling in CNU? Either good or bad.

In the winter some people turn the heater to the point of recreating tropical summer memories. And after a beautiful but exhaustingly warm winter you obviously need to refresh yourself. In the summer through the magic of air conditioning.

Q2. How would you boast CNU to your friends? (If there is anything)

CNU Kimchi is to kimchi what Bentley is to cars. You have to appreciate it for its exclusivity tradition and authenticity. Recently I’ve found an amazing packed lunch shop inside the CNU. There is certainly food that are worthy to be praised here.

Q3. What do you think about ‘Makdong’?

To enjoy Makdong it’s crucial to get drunk enough not to notice about the blood-lusting mosquitoes. But once you manage it, it is a very fun and rewarding experience.

Q4. What do think about Korean drinking culture? How was the ‘Sul-game’ and ‘Chi-maek’?

It’s a lot of fun, but it’s easy to underestimate soju and the hangover the next day. Luckily Koreans excelled in hangover recovery methods like mandatory 국밥 at 4AM.

Q5. What was interesting about Korea?

In Germany, we still have keys. Where in Korea, they use code numbers to open the doors, which is certainly more practical.

Q6. Anything you want to say to CNU students?

If your curious about foreign students just say hi, they won’t bite you.

Q7. How do you feel about Korea’s world cup football score?

It would have been better if they played as well as against Germany from the start of the competition so beating germany would have actually amounted to something.

Q8. How do you feel about refugee problems here in Korea? Did you have them at your place too?

I think helping people, who flee war, is a moral obligation, at the same time it is understandable to be reluctant to receive people from a culture that is based on a completely different set of values and therefore may not integrate properly in society.

The German student was so settle on the football results unlike what the interviewer had expected. However, it was a relief that the student seemed to have been enjoying the company in Korea, and as a part of cultural experience, the interview ended with some Korean Tteokbokki and German beer. 

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