SINABEURO, the Drama Club

  Do you know what ‘SINABEURO’ means? It is a Korean word that means slowly but surely. This name was chosen as the name of the only theater club in Chungnam National University because it is hoped that the club members will gradually, slowly and unconsciously fall into place. Performing in plays has many merits. Among them, it is the best to experience the lives of various different kinds of people and share their emotions. It is something that cannot be easily experienced in other clubs. You can also learn various kinds of things in the club Sinabeuro.

  There are two main activities in this club. The first is putting on plays. There are two kinds of plays in the club. The first one is a ‘Subscription Play’ which is performed every spring, fall, and winter. If you join to the subscription play, you must perform as a real actor or a real staff (a stage producer, a gaffer, a sound man, and a play planner), because the subscription play aims at running a show. Most of performers said it was emotionally tough and demanding work. They added, however, that it was thrilling and jubilant as well, especially when they were applauded by the audience.
  Are you concerned about the fact that you do not have any experiences? For those people, there is a ‘Worksop’ during the summer vacation. People can learn basic things about theater, such as physical fitness training, vocalization, and all of the elementary knowledge about the staff. It is mostly for freshmen, but anyone who wants to participate can join. The conclusion of the workshop is to show the result of the training in a play.
  Also, the club does other activities besides play. First, there is a ‘Family day’, which seems to be the best part of the club. Not only are undergraduates participating in this event, but also alumni. Even though they occasionally come to see the subscription play, they think that family day is more important. Secondly, the club members hold a ‘Thursday Debate’ to listen to the voices of each member. They make a lot of suggestions and try to make a better club.
 As a result, they engage in various activities and learn many things. As mentioned, the club is the only theater club in our university, and it is open to every student regardless of their grade. If you want to have a chance to have your efforts applauded, do not hesitate to be a member of Sinabeuro.

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